Heed the call…

Do you love immersive stories with all the magic of epic fantasy, all the tech and danger of space opera, but served in portions that won’t overwhelm you? Do you enjoy the thrill of adventure, the allure of romance, and the comfort of a place to call home when all the dust settles? Then let me be your guide through the Ahraverse for all of this and more!

you have arrived.

My stories will take you on heartfelt journeys through fantastical and faraway worlds. I write romantasy, urban fantasy, young adult, and sci-fi. Strong characters are the beating heart of all my books: characters with hopes, fears, and fierce determination to live and love in the face of everything they’re up against. I write books set in the Ahraverse, an interconnected multiverse of romance, magic, sci-fi, and adventure. To follow my newest journeys and writing projects, you can sign up for my newsletter for out-of-this-world updates, and stay posted here on my website!



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